On-machine Measurement and Intelligent Modification Technology | Digitization of Machining and Continuous Production

For parts quality control inspection is normally performed off machine which means interruption of production and instability considering manual operation.Jingdiao on-machine measurement and intelligent modification technology (OMIM) makes Jingdiao machine tools perceptive and smart based on our unique integration capability of CAD/CAM software and control system. With this technology, the operator, machine tool, process, and quality inspection, collaborates more effectively and achieve continuous production without any interruption.

Process Tolerance Measurement and Quantification | Digitization of Machining and Continuous Production

When machining precision parts, Jingdiao’s solution is to control tolerance of each process within 5μm. OMIM technology offers a way to quantify process tolerance without removing workpiece from machine tools. With the specific module in software and control system, it’s capable of designing measurement process and viewing cloud map of data in real time. Thus, you can analyze and adjust process timely so that each step is qualified.

Tolerance Measurement of Each Step

Intuitive Display in Control System

Intelligent Modification of Composite Error

Real production often differs from theoretical one due to composite error caused by material deformation, clamping deviation,clamping deformation and some other factors. To eliminate the impact of these factors on machining accuracy is one of the most important application of OMIM.In addition to measuring these errors on machine, intelligent modification based on collected data is also possible.


Compensated Processing

For part like egg, material is quite different which makes it not easy to machine and get the same effect.But, with OMIM, the machining path can be adjusted automatically according to the part’s shape that’s being processed.This is also available on cellphone or wheel hub chamfering, because material inconsistency and clamping deformation happen in processing.

Workpiece Alignment

When clamping workpiece to machine tools, it’s difficult to guarantee the position is just the same as what’s programmed in software,especially in 5-axis machining.And the deviation will make workpiece coordinate different from program coordinate. However, using OMIM can control accuracy under this circumstance by intelligently compensating workpiece position in control system and aligning workpiece coordinate with program coordinate.

Features to be inspected to align workpiece

Manufacture Measurement Integration

Since the introduction of OMIM, measurement has been transplanted into Jingdiao machine tools, thus a new manufacturing mode is created especially for massive production industry. By using functions like fool-proof inspection, tool condition monitoring, workpiece tolerance measurement and fixture condition monitoring, there is no interruption during processing, comprehensive quality control is achievable, unqualified products are no longer manufactured.

Less operator and no interruption after using OMIM

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